

So this is the life of a new grad RN. Waiting. Waiting for what you ask? Waiting for a J-O-B. 

I just recently moved to a different state and it is so hard trying to get a job when you are the new girl on the block. I had a better chance of getting a job where I used to live because I had a job in a hospital but change comes with life. 90% of my classmates have a job already. I try not to compare my life with others, but I am getting impatient. It has been a month and a half since I graduated and a week since officially receiving my RN license, but I am going crazy. 
I was only able to apply to one hospital because there is only ONE major hospital in my area, ugh. I started volunteering at the free clinic in my area to keep busy, but I need a job. I am very blessed because my fiance is able to take care of the important things but I am really about to go crazy. I try not to change what the future holds for me and I know that God has something insane in store for me. This is one of the major things keeping me calm.
I actually came across a great quote the other day, it said: "Never compare your journey with someone else's. Your journey is YOUR journey, not a competition."
So although my journey is a little bumpy at the moment, I think it will make me stronger in the end and I am thankful. 
I hope to have something by the end of February. If not, I will figure something out. 

As always, thank you for reading.
Positivity Beckons Positivity

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