I have been working on a stroke unit, which also can be a medical surgical (Med-Surg) floor at times. My unit is the hardest unit in the hospital. This statement alone gives me the strength to go into work each morning and be able to finish my 12-14 hour shift. Nursing is not exactly what I thought it would have been, not by a long shot. But you have to remember that nursing is a ever changing field. Be open to the changes or you will have unnecessary frustrations. I have learned so much and most of those things are not even nursing related. I have cried, sweat and laughed during this last year and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.
Below are some highlights of what I learned:
- Be brave.
- Advocate for your patients- don't be afraid to speak up to whoever it may be (in a professional manner) for the safety and well being of your patient.
- Do not let anyone interrupt your medication administration time- This time is a time to focus and to prevent any medical errors.
- Have snacks in your pocket- Low blood glucose=mistakes.
- Be there for your patients, a listening ear, a laugh, sitting quietly.
- It's okay to cry, sometimes- Don't make it a habit.
- Be involved-Sign up for the unit based council, be a part of the ANA (American Nurses Association).
- NEVER. STOP. LEARNING.- Read journals and nursing magazines. You will be surprised what you can incorporate into your work.
- Ask for help- don't be a hero.
Talk to you in the next post,